Accredited short courses online : Recommendations section, Accredited short courses online.
In the Recommendations section, there are recommendations that your acquaintance gave you.
🤓 Give a recommendation on LinkedIn Accredited short courses online ✅
You can also give a recommendation to any person from your acquaintances, by going to his page on LinkedIn and clicking on More and then clicking on Recommend to open a window for you to define your business relationship with the person and then allow you to write the recommendation.
Accredited short courses online Achievements section
Accomplishments, an optional box branched out of several fields for all your achievements, such as:
Achievements section in Linkedin
Awards and honors
Languages you speak
Exams and others
To add any accomplishment of yours on LinkedIn, from your personal page, click on Add New Section, choose Accomplishments, and then add the type of achievement you have with a simple description of this achievement.
🔥 Accredited short courses online Department of Languages 🤑
This section allows you to add another language other than the primary language to your personal page. In our Arab world, it is preferable to have the profile in English, unfortunately! This is because most companies and recruiters are interested in the English language topic.
For example, if you want to work in Europe or in countries that do not consider the English language essential, you can convert your page to another language as an additional feature to increase the opportunities for communication with companies and recruiters in those countries, to add this feature: Accredited short courses online
Changed the display language for LinkedIn profile
Go to your personal page
Click Add New Section
Choose Supported languages
Add the language
Fill in the information
Choose Create Profile Accredited short courses online
After completing the process, the option of both Arabic and English will appear on the top right of the screen on your page, for example any person who uses LinkedIn in Arabic will see my page in Arabic and so on by clicking on the language you want or you can switch the language manually.
Using more than one language in LinkedIn
* To convert all sections and fields to another language, you must do so manually
✨ Accredited short courses online Upload your CV 💥
It is not enough to publish your CV in the Feature field, companies usually post jobs through LinkedIn Job Posts and you can apply directly!
But to successfully perform this step, you need to upload your CV on LinkedIn, even when you apply for employment to a specific company, here are the steps:
First: Choose Me from the main interface, below your circular profile picture, and then choose Settings & Privacy.
Second: After the new window appears, choose Job Seeking Preferences, then choose Job Application Settings, and click the Change button.
Third: A CV upload window will appear. Click on Upload
Resume. You are allowed to download files only in PDF or Word / Doc format.
It is always recommended to have an updated copy of your CV on LinkedIn and to be
in your name, make sure that it is:
Free from misspellings
Clear, simple and concise
Constantly updated
In the event that you do not have a CV, LinkedIn will help you create a simple free resume by clicking on more on your personal page and then choosing to create a resume and fill in your information.
Accredited short courses online relationships via LinkedIn
After completing your LinkedIn page and filling in all the information, the next step is to add people to your page under the name Connections.
Always try to add people who publish important content and information or share the same interests with you, or experts within your same field and experience.