Accredited short courses online : We suggest Accredited short courses online limiting your descriptions to 50-155 characters , including spaces. Ideally split the content into two sentences so that it can be easily read by users.
In Accredited short courses online 2021, Google announced that web page descriptions were not included in the rankings of organic search results. But since they appear as snippets, they are still extremely important in motivating users to click through to your website and increase the number of clicks it receives (CTR), a size that is extremely important for SEO.
Add the basic keywords of the website to each description as if they are included in the user query (query), then they will be highlighted in bold (highlighted text) in the results that will appear.
⭐ Bold SERP Keywords Accredited short courses online ✅
Avoid the use of duplicate meta descriptions as it is advisable to clearly define the description of each website and help your users understand its unique content. To find any duplicate content on your website, download Screaming Frog , enter your site’s url in the search field and select Start to start analyzing the site data. Then select the Meta Description tab and the Export option (Excel) to download the excel data of your website titles. Finally, in the excel file select the description column andContitional Formating -> Highlight Cell Rules -> Duplicate Values. Now you can see the descriptions of your website that are similar and decide which ones to keep and which ones to optimize to transfer them through your management system or technician to your site.
Add Call to Action suggestions to your webpage descriptions, which will motivate readers to click on the links that lead to your webpage. This applies to both search engines and social media (eg Facebook, Linkedin), which use descriptions as complementary text when you or a user posts a link to your website.
🤑 Keywords Accredited short courses online 🤓
The keywords of the websites (keyword tags) are an html element and you will find it in the source code as <meta name = ”keywords” content = ”…… ..”>
Google does not count meta keywords as a ranking factor based on what it has announced . So you do not need to add specific meta elements to your website, but if you do, they should give you an idea of what your page is and what it contains.
Caution: Do not confuse meta keywords with the keywords or phrases you will use in your SEO strategy. The former are an outdated html tag while the latter are important words for which you want your website to be evaluated and will use in most sections of this article.
💥 Headings Accredited short courses online 🔥
Web site headings (tags) are an important html element that you will find in the source code as <H1….> To <H6….>.
To see the headings, just visit the site you are interested in and type CTRL + U. Once the source code of the page appears type CTRL + F, type in the search field ” H1″ (or “H2”, “H3” etc. depending on the markup you want to see) and the html element of the header will be highlighted.
The words of the heading tags usually appear as headings of the content of each web page and the number that accompanies them, defines the hierarchy between them, with H1 being stronger and H6 less important.