Online English courses with certificate : If you want to display many images in your wordpress, we suggest you use Lazy Load by WP Rocket or BJ Lazy Load . These plugins have some features that can prove to be life-saving for your WordPress site.
Use the absolutely necessary plugins in your WP (maximum number 4-5) and upgrade them often.
Uninstall plugins and themes that you do not use.
Delete any spam comments (use Akismet) and post revisions.
Disable WordPress Pingbacks .
Check your homepage: No need to have 100 posts on the homepage!
Do not display all the posts on your home page, but their summaries (Excepts, excerpts)!
Do not put sharing plugins and various widgets on your homepage, but only on the post page.
Reduce requests to your database (eg reduce the number of articles displayed on a page).
Make sure you frequently optimize your database (repair & optimize) e.g. with this plugin .
Reduce ads to a minimum.
Avoid using flash and flash plugins.
Read in a previous article how to clean and maintain your wordpress site .
✅ Online English courses with certificate Use plugins & themes with well-written code 🤓
A) Use a well- written and simple theme like the ones you will find here (or here , here , here, here , here and here )
Some Frameworks worth seeing are: Elegant themes , Genesis Framework from StudioPress , Thesis , AppThemes , WooThemes or Headway Themes .
B) Watch the plugins you choose to use, so that they are updated frequently and contain the least possible bugs and full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.
C) Install UsageDD to find out which WP plugins consume the most resources , so you can remove or replace them with a similar plugin with » lighter » or more » well- written » code .
D) One of the things that can slow down your website is queries to the MySQL database when loading. Query Monitor and Debug This are add-ons exclusively for webmasters, which allow them to see a list of requests at the bottom of each page. In this way they help them to analyze the reasons why their website does not have the expected performance and to make the necessary corrections.
🤑 ✨ Online English courses with certificate Use a .htaccess 🔥
A) Try to increase the speed of WordPress with a .htaccess file , according to this article (for experienced users & can be used in conjunction with caching).
B) Block Hotlinks on your site files with a .htaccess.