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🥇 Channels Free training certificates 🙂

Free training certificates

Free training certificates : It is the marketing methods and methods that your customers will be exposed to your project, such as marketing through social media platforms , or using e-mail for marketing, and other digital and traditional marketing methods .

Relationships with clients Free training certificates

It is the method of interacting and communicating with customers, such as talking to them personally, through contractors who provide the service, by phone, and others.

Sources of revenue

It is the conversion of the suggested / added value that you provide into profit. One of the simplest forms of this is to pay for the product, for example, or pay a monthly subscription fee.

🤓  main activities Free training certificates ✅

The activities you need to implement the value proposition / added provided by your project, things like website or app development or digital marketing that you need for your project.

Main resource

What do you need to achieve the previous item – activities? Things like an office space, for example, or a certain number of employees.

Major partnerships

Who do you need to be on your side to effectively carry out your activities and deliver your value? Whether certain companies or suppliers, for example , if you sell physical products you may need to contract with the delivery company, or you may need to contract with marketers for marketing commission !

Cost structure

Total costs you need to implement and sustain all of this? Things like employee wages, the services you’ve contracted with to effectively deliver the value proposition to clients, etc.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 Free training certificates Digital and analogue communications 🙂

You can see then that the chart gives you the ability to summarize the most important points you need to evaluate your project, and the necessary needs to advance the project, now how can we make the most of the business model diagram?

🔥 Business model diagram applications Free training certificates 🤑

The amount of methods that the planner allows you to implement is large, for example, with which you can initially understand the path your project is taking, and how much and what type of resources and partnerships you need.

Let us consider the example of Talabat application. In the case of Talabat application , income channels are:

Percentage of orders with partner restaurants and stores made via the app.

Special announcements by partners on the first page, or at the top of the in-app search menu.

Special product purchases from Talabat store itself.

So we can see that the team responsible for developing requests if they clearly place these points in the business model diagram, will be able to initially estimate the resources, partnerships, and relationships they need to well activate the mentioned income channels, and thus one of the first simpler applications of the business model diagram is to draw Strategy .

Another example and this time something closer to you, were you building a business model diagram and thinking how to reach your customers?

✨   Suppose Free training certificates you make three main points: 💥

Direct sales

Word of mouth

Marketing commission ( in English: Affiliate Program)

It’s not hard to write, right? The question is, how would you implement affiliate marketing, for example? Here comes one of the most important applications of the business model diagram, innovation and experimentation .

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 New endings of TLD's: paris, Free training certificates physio, business, network, immo, pizza, auction, software 🙂

Understand the problem facing you, design, build, experiment and analyze what was most appropriate for your plan and project.

Now at a later stage, consider adding another way to reach your customers, say, for example influencer marketing, and here the business model diagram serves you as an effective draft of new ideas .