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🥇 New IPhone 3GS Free training certificates! 🙂

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Free training certificates : It is faster, more ecological, obeys oral commands and «speaks» Greek. Apple has introduced the new iRhone 3GS, aiming to further increase the distance that separates it from its competitors.

The new IPhone 3GS can be characterized in a few words: «more expensive, with Greek support and tools for spies»!

🤓 New features Free training certificates : ✅

– Digital compass

– Voice commands.

– Ability to «copy / paste»

– Distance measurement function


– Built-in Greek support (among 32 languages).

– 3MB camera.

– Up to 2 times faster!

🔥 ⭐ And the controversial feature Free training certificates: 🤑

The new iPhone will offer its user the ability to locate his mobile phone via google maps. This function is ambiguous as it can be used for the benefit of the holder (in case of theft, loss, etc.) or to the detriment of his privacy and personal data (location of the holder by his employer, etc.).

IRhone and iRod Touch users exceed 40 million worldwide, and in less than a year Apple has sold more than one billion copies of the 50,000 applications available for the iRhone. In the US, the iPhone 3GS will cost $ 199 in the 16GB version and 299 in the 32GB version.

Sony Ericsson launches «green» phones

Two new models will be released by Sony Ericsson in 2009, which will be environmentally friendly and we are talking about the C901 and Naite of the Greenheart series .

The two new phones will have manuals on cd instead of printed on paper, will be made partly from recycled plastics , will have smaller packages, and will use a low-power charger.

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This is a philosophy that Ericsson intends to use in the rest of its products. In fact, it is committed to reducing CO2 emissions from its operations by 20% as well as emissions that affect the greenhouse effect by 15% by 2015.

The C901 is made of 50% recycled plastics while water paint has been used for its coloring. The model will be released in the summer of 2009.

The Naite, also made from recycled plastic, has a low-power charger that uses 30 milliwatts , while the regular ones use 200 milliwats. In terms of its release, the «green» mobile is expected in the fall.

✨ Social Networks are growing rapidly Free training certificates 💥

According to a survey conducted by the Nielsen Company , 67% of Internet users visit blogs and social networks , ie about 2/3 of users who are connected to the Internet. In fact, the growth rate of these websites is twice as fast as other Internet activities such as search engines and e-mails, leaving no room for them to approach.

Indicatively, the most famous social network, Facebook, is visited by 30% of users at least once a month.

In terms of the time they visit these sites, it amounts to 1 minute for every 11 who are connected to the Internet, ie about 10% , while the age of users who visit social networks ranges between 35 and 49 years.

The Nielsen Company exhibition was entitled «Global Faces and Networked Places» and took place in 9 countries .