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🙂 Here you will find everything you need to know about Subsidy of housing 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing : is a family compensation fund which is part of the subsidy system and also belongs to the social security protection system of the Colombian Republic, which has as its primary objective the development of the administration of resources and the protection of social services. among which are affiliations and subsidies for the area of ​​education, culture, recreation, tourism, housing subsidies, social loans, food, health and social marketing.

🤑  Look at the different subsidies that Colsubsidio offers Subsidy of housing ✅ 🤓

Given that it is an entity that offers the opportunity for members and users to have the possibility of improving their situation, it makes several types of subsidies available, among which are:

 Housing subsidies

 Family allowances

 Death benefits

 Unemployment benefits

 School kit

 Lunchbox voucher

These are the types of affiliations for people who want to opt for Colsubsidio subsidies

Given the importance that the issue of subsidies has had for the social welfare of colluded Colombians, it provides the opportunity for dependent workers, independent workers, pensioners and so-called facultative workers to join.

💥 Do not stay outside of what the law establishes for you to qualify for Subsidy of housing. 🔥


In the first case that are dependent workers, keep in mind that article 3 of Law 789 typifies that all people who have a dependent job have the right to a monetary quota in money, as long as they fully comply with the requirements that are required to be beneficiaries of the subsidies that are offered.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 Requirements to apply for a housing subsidy offered by the Federal Government of Mexico Subsidy of housing 🙂

For their part, independent workers are covered by law 789 in article 19 in the first paragraph that provides that people who, in the event that the person who contributes 100% on the basis of two minimum wages, will have the same right than those available to other affiliates except for monetary subsidies.

In the case of pensioners, they can affiliate under the different modalities that Colsubsidio offers, such is the case that they have been affiliated with the compensation fund for more than 25 years, as stipulated by law 789, those who have made a contribution of either 0.6% according to decree 867 of 2014 in articles 11 and 12, contributions of 2.0% according to law 71 of 1976 or 0% of contributions according to law 1643 of 2013

😂  And finally, the facultative people, they are called facultative those who are in an entity. ✨


which has signed the agreement that allows them to be linked to Colsubsidio subsidies as long as they make a contribution between 2% or 0.6% in case If you are this type of beneficiary, you must bear in mind that the medical staff does not give rise to payments of monetary contributions.