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🙂 Go ahead and learn to handle one of the most important Microsoft office tools through Excel courses List of free online courses 🥇

List of free online courses

List of free online courses : Currently, most companies require personnel trained in the management of office programs that allow them to maintain the necessary control for the development of daily activities, if what you are looking for is to have the fundamental knowledge to manage one of the tools offered by the office pate, then we recommend that you access the List of free online courses, as they provide you with the necessary knowledge to be able to handle this tool easily and simply.

✅  You want to know the most important aspects of the List of free online courses 🤓

The first and really fundamental thing that they teach you in the List of free online courses are the basic commands, this information is essential, because through them you will be able to familiarize yourself with the Excel program, on the other hand it is necessary that you have knowledge such as:

o Knowing how to create a spreadsheet from scratch, many people tend to think that Excel is a complicated program and once they are encouraged to take the List of free online courses they understand that it is really simple.

o Another important aspect of Excel is that you must learn how to perform the various processes such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing when working on the spreadsheet, all this information will be provided to you in the List of free online courses

o Among the contents that the List of free online courses offer you, you will be able to handle the automatic filling functions, add and delete columns and keep the titles of columns and rows visible

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 The wrong SEO practices, avoid them List of free online courses! 🥇

🔥  See some tips that List of free online courses provide you 🤑

The Excel tool is quite extensive and there are many things that you will have to know, in the List of free online courses they will teach you the following tips that you must keep in mind, among which we mention the following:

1. The filters: this function will allow you to observe the information that you add to the cells in a reduced way

2. Elimination of duplicate information: this function is really useful and you will be able to keep a single set of data without it being duplicated

3. Transpose: allows you to transform the elements of a row towards columns and vice versa

4. Managing formulas is one of the most useful and important functions since it will allow you to do arithmetic calculations without complications.

5. Conditional formatting formulas: generally, companies that handle a large amount of information tend to classify it using colors to differentiate them.

✨  With this function, you can adjust the color depending on the cell or the information you handle. 💥

6. The IF statement: allows you to compare the information so that you can check if there is similar or similar information to the one you have inserted or are inserting in the spreadsheet

If you want to learn a lot more about this office tool then don’t wait any longer and take the List of free online courses and make the most of it.