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🥇 The best free online courses from Harvard University offered via the EDX e-learning platform. 6 Month Short Courses Online 🙂

6 Month Short Courses Online

6 Month Short Courses Online : Offers many courses in various fields online. These courses are called Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Anyone from anywhere in the world can access these online courses, register for them, and start learning from and taking experience from the best teachers and trainers in the world. 6 Month Short Courses Online

🤓  About 6 Month Short Courses Online ✅


Harvard University was founded in 1636 and is one of the best and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard University is headquartered in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, and has more than 20,000 students, including undergraduates, graduate students, and professional students who have engaged in the business and want to develop themselves. Harvard University has produced more than 360,000 alumni worldwide.

EDX platform is a leading e-learning platform that offers many training and open educational courses from various universities, founded by Harvard University in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technical Sciences (MIT) in 2012.

EDX delivers unique, high-quality courses from the world’s best educators, universities, and institutions to learners everywhere.

EDX has more than 90 global partners. The best thing about this platform is that the universities that are members of the EDX platform are top in the ranking of universities and are considered the best around the world according to the QS World University Rankings with always the highest degrees of appreciation.

🔥 6 Month Short Courses Online of open courses offered by Harvard: 🤑

You can browse the free online courses offered in a variety of majors and subjects where you can view the content of the Harvard University courses below for free and students can request to obtain an officially attested certificate for a small fee. These courses include most fields such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, architecture, data analysis and statistics, energy and earth sciences, humanities, social sciences, history, art and culture, law, literature, education, teacher training and development of their abilities, and biology. Life Science, Health and Safety, Communication, Business and Management, Economics and Finance.

Lectura de Interés:   ✨ Private websites or third-party platforms 6 Month Short Courses Online 💥

Below is a list of the courses available with the links to which you can link

1- Physics sciences

Science and cooking: from haute cuisine to soft materials science (physics):

Brief Explanation Top Chefs and researchers at Harvard University explore how both traditional and modern cooking techniques can illuminate fundamental principles in chemistry, physics and engineering. Learn about elasticity, viscosity, (mayonnaise, bread,) and more!

Access link: You can browse the course from here

2- Mathematics

1-: Applied Calculus!

Brief explanation: Application of univariate calculus tools to create and analyze mathematical models used by real practitioners in the social sciences, life and physical sciences.

Access link here

2- Probabilities from A to Z:

Brief explanation: Increase quantitative reasoning skills through a deeper understanding of probabilities and statistics.

3- Chemistry:

2 – The quantum world: the quantum world

Brief explanation: Learn the essence of quantum mechanics, and software simulations in PYTHON to apply quantum theory to chemistry.

Access link: From here

4- Computer Science and Information Technology

1- Introduction to Computer Science: An intellectual introduction to computer science and the art of programming.

Access link here

2- Understanding Information Technology:

 Brief description: The CS50 Information Technology Course is offered to computer science students who do not (yet!) See themselves as being on a computer.

2- Introduction to Computer Science for Business Professionals: This is the CS50 introduction to computer science for business professionals.

You can link from here

3- AP® Computer Science Principles:

Brief Description The CS50 AP course, Harvard University’s introduction to think tanks in computer science and programming art for high school students, meets the new AP CS Principles curriculum framework for colleges.

Lectura de Interés:   ✨ 3 Ways to Start Profiting from Selling Online Courses 2020 6 Month Short Courses Online 💥

💥 You can access it from here 6 Month Short Courses Online  ✨

4- Using the Python program in the research field:

 Brief Explanation: Take your introductory knowledge of Python programming to the next level and learn how to use Python 3 for your research.

5- Architecture:

Architectural Imagination: Learn basic principles of architecture – as an academic or professional subject – through a study of important buildings in history.

Access link here

6- Analyzing data and statistics

 1-Data Science: R Basics:

Brief Explanation: In this first of eight detailed courses in the HarvardX Data Science series, you learn the building blocks of R. The series will cover data entry, visualization and graphical representation with ggplot2, probability, inference, regression and machine learning.

2- Causal Diagrams: Draw your assumptions (graph) before conclusions:

Brief explanation: Learn simple graphical rules that allow you to use images and graphic representations to improve study presentation and data analysis to facilitate the production process.

3- Principles and statistical and computational tools for reproducible sciences

Brief Description: Learn the skills and tools that support data science and reproducible research, to make sure you trust your research findings, reproduce them yourself, and pass them on to others.